Friday, 28 May 2010

Nightmare Visionz

This is a rhyme I wrote the night before last and has quite a few words in it that you will notice I had to pick up a dictionary! lol I hope you enjoy it and if you keep up to date with these, I will be posting one in a day or so that even I found quite funny.( Not to be too big headed lol) I hope you enjoy. xxx

Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Mental collisions that be making incisions
Deep in your subconscious
Infesting like monsters
Having you thinking of monsters
Now having unwanted-Dreams
Of torture,hearing screams
Wishes to wake and redeem
This torturing stream of the unseen
Feeling terrorized
Wanting open eyes
Sick from your minds sick side
Even tried but attempt subsides
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Alone, at home, no phone
Chord's broken, unspoken
Dreams are joking that you've awoken
Now choking, a poking
In your back
Upside your head a smack
Feel a crack, crap
A nightmare attack
Mentally you invision making a decision
To get out the sack
Stop these nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Now on a mission
Got to make a decision
To escape this situation
This mental invasion
Your minds inhabitation
Of a nightmare mutation
Knowing you'll be facing
Your own imagination
For this nightmarish mutation
No suicide
Die in sleep, die in life
A knife?
Think you should?
It'll be no good
Nightmares don't bleed blood
You ask me what I would-do?
I give you a clue
Help you through the situation facing you
Here is my plan
Invision something in your hand
A knife,gun or grand
Invite your mind to a land
Of sea and sand,it began
You now understand
This nightmare you created
All you've ever feared and hated
Mentally situated what your mind stated
You are the traitor
You could just be auspicious
Night visionz think you're delicious
Apparitions of the fictitious
Terror hides in all places
Tiny spaces
Somewhere your mind can't find because your mind's so spacious
Magically Herbidacious
Terror shows in many faces
And replaces reality in these cases
Nightmares are so pertinacious
You need to get thinking
Before your ship starts sinking
Won't hyave a chance of blinking
Make an exhibition
Of the decision that has you driven
And given you permission
To destroy this cretinism
Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Prepare for coalition
Of your minds military division
Proud to cause convulsions
No illusion to the intruders intrusion
That gave you delusions
And frightening confusion
Of the nightmares infusion
Desecrated, hatred, slated but never debated
That it was wrongfully instated
That nightmare was annihilated
Awaking elated
Executed with precision
No need for ammunition
Back to dreams of serene scenes
Clean with a gleam of sunbeams & mountain streams
No more night vision competition
Life again living
Maybe go fishing?
No more need for wishing it's the end of the mission
Decisions, decisions and more decisions
No more Nightmare Visionz
Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Nightmare Visionz

Nightmare Visionz
Nightmare Visionz

Well that's the end of this entry and it would be most appreciated if you could give me some sort of feedback so I can make an improvement to my rhymes/lyrics. I really enjoyed writing this one and you may notice that I was sat with a dictionary for long periods of time to be able to write this, lol. I will be posting another entry very soon and hope you enjoyed reading this and all the others I've already posted. Thank you & take care. XXXXX


  1. I'll leave you a comment Jamie, I thought this was one of your best. Loved it. lol xxx

  2. Discretion is advised if ya are one too be reading these Blogs of mine, Im just lately feeling a lil' bit twisted and a lot disturbed so there wil;l be posts such as CN, also NVz hope you be liking some new stuff xxxx
